~ Exhibition Material
"Putting a Chill on Global Warming"
note that this section was originally created so the many people
contributing to the emPower exhibition could see what everyone else was
doing. So the printable material was converted to html on the fly.
a consequence there is no navigation system and some of the documents
are poorly formatted. Otherwise the information is the same as in the
actual exhibition.
can click any link next to a topic to go to the exhibition information.
You will then have to use the back button to return to this layout
before you can go to the next document and so on.
apologise for any inconvenience, but we believe it is more important to
make the material available as soon as possible than to wait until
someone volunteers to make it look good.
If you are willing to do that job or know someone, please contact us. Thank you.
Some exhibition documents are not yet in below layout (or not yet linked). They will be made available over the next weeks.
Your emPower team...
A) Likely Global and Local
Warming and Climate Change Effects
B) Becoming Part of the Solution
D) Other Related Issues
A) Likely Global and Local Warming and Climate Change
A1) What
causes global warming x1 d1 d2
A1a) Burning of fossil fuels v1 v2
A1b) Greenhouse gases d3 n2 b1.1-2 v1 a1-4
A1b1) Co2 d6
Temperatures b1 s1-5 v1-2
A2a) average and extremes
A2b) fires
A2b) drought
A3) Ice
Melting b1 d1
A3a) Arctic Sea Ice v1
A3b) Greenland d1 v1
A3c) Antarctic n1 d1
A3d) Glaciers s3 d1 z1 v1-3
Sealevel rises z1-5 v1
A4a) thermal expansion z1
A4b) glaciers & icesheets
A4c) Inundation eg Cairns s1
A4d) beach erosion n1
A5) Winds
and Waves s1 s2_1-2 v1-8
A5a) More frequent and stronger cyclones v1
A5b) higher and more frequent monster waves v1-2 v3
A5c) Tornadoes and other wind effects v1-2
A6) Extreme Weather
A7) Ocean
A7a) Antlantic conveyor t1
A8) Ocean
acidification b1 t1 m1
A9) fauna
and flora
A9a) Flora v1 m1
A9c) Fauna s1-2 s3 s4
Feedback cycles
A10a) tundra methane
A10b) methane under the ocean
A10c) speeding up glaciers
A10d) ice reflectivity
A10e) CO2 absorption
Agriculture and Husbandry s1-3 s3 s2.2-3 t1
Climate Migration s1-2 s3-4 s5-6 s7-8 s9-10 s11 s12-13 s14-15
A13) Health
s1-2 s3-4 s2_1-2 s4_1 s4_2-4 s7
Information Manipulation
A15) FNQ effects v1-5 v2.1-7 & Jacqui Balston's powerpoint slides
A16) Wars and Civil unrest s1
| A | B
D |
B) Becoming Part of the Solution v1
Alternative Energy and Energy Savings s1 v1 v2
B1a) what can each of us do to reduce our energy
B1b) Renewable Energies d1 v2 Gabi_Flyer & Wendy Miller powerpoint slides (on renewable
Base Load energies
B1b1) Comparison chart of all energy sources s1-2
B1b2) Geothermal e1-2
B1b3) Wave b1 b3 n1 d1.1-2 d2_1-2 d3.1-2
B1b4) Solar n1 s1-3 n2
B1b5) Wind
B1b6) Biomass
B1b7) Biofuel s1-2 s3 t1
B1c) Energy storage d1
B1c1) Batteries v1
B1c2) Hydrogen t1
B1d) Nuclear x1 v1-3 t1 t2
B1e) Coal t1
B1g) subsidies and tax breaks s1-4 s4.1-4 s5
B2a) Vehicles a1 a2 v1 a3 s
B2a1) fuel/CO2 comparison chart of cars a1-2
B2a2) electric cars
v4-5 v6 v7 v8-10
B2b) Trains
B2b1) General
B2b2) Fuel cell train e1
B2c) bicycles s1-3 v1 & Cairns bike-path maps
B2d) walking e1
B2e) Planning for less transport
B2e1) compare travel distances in rural residential
with urban node
B2f) Local Solutions
B2f1) 2025 planning opportunity
B2f2) Range road options v1 v2-3
B2f3) Cairns Coastal commuting options
B2f4) What can Governments and councils do to
encourage alternatives to car based transport?
B2g) Flying
B3) Taking charge of the Carbon
Cycle n3 x1
- n1 n5
How much does each one of us use and how can we reduce that? (If we can
we should not just give global and OZ averages but allow people to work
out their own)
How can we influence industry to reduce their CO2 emissions?
Which government laws/subsidies would help the most to reduce OZ CO2?
Architecture v1 v2-7
B5) Food
B5a) what foods can we grow in the garden
B5c) organics vs chemical foods Organics
B5d) sustainable agriculture
- PP presentation
B6) Water s1-2 s1-5
B7) Soil
B7a) Terra Pretta
B7b) Organic –
B7c) Tilling/no tilling n1
B7d) Permaculture - 1 1/2m
Consumption and Sustainability x1 s1.1-2 s2.1-2 s2.3-4 s3 s4.1-2 s4.3-5 s5.1-2 s6 s7 s8 s9.1-3
B9) Suggested
Mega Technological Solutions
B9a) Iron Fertilising of the
B9b) Carbon Dioxide Captured
Directly From the Air
B10) Carbon
trading n1 s1-3 e1 t1
B11) Sustainable Economy r1-6
| A |
D |
D) Related topics
D1) sustainable world population v1
D2) Peak Oil s1-7