Good ideas about lighting

In Australia, lighting represents around 12 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions from households, and around 25 per cent of emissions from the commercial sector.

Over its life, a typical compact fluorescent lamp saves around a third of a tonne of greenhouse gas and $45 and avoids the cost of 6 or more incandescent globes. And you don’t have to change the bulbs as often.

Install energy-efficient lighting

Remember, it’s not volts that matter: more watts means higher energy bills and more greenhouse gas.

Halogen lights are also a type of incandescent lamp. The halogens in the bulbs prevent evaporated tungsten from depositing on the glass bulb. They are more expensive to buy but last up to two thousand hours. They can be either 240V bulbs, which are usually tubular and often used in uplighters and outdoor floodlights, or low voltage bulbs typically used in downlighting. All halogen lamps require special light fittings.

Low voltage halogen lamps are not low energy lamps.

Low voltage halogen lamps are slightly more efficient than normal bulbs of the same wattage, but they use a transformer that can consume from 10 to 30 percent of the bulb energy, reducing the efficiency gain.More efficient electronic transformers are available which reduce transformer losses.

Efficient 35W lamps are available that produce as much light as a standard 50W lamp.


Install efficient outdoor lighting

Use lights efficiently


Without much effort, the almost 500 million citizens of the European Union could reduce their energy use by one-fifth!

An energy-saving compact flourescent light bulb, for example, uses only one-fifth of the energy required by a conventional incandescent bulb and lasts ten times longer.

Saving energy to secure world supplies

How people use energy -- and the products that require it ~ every liter of oil, every cubic meter of gas, every kilowatt-hour of power conserved not only saves money and the environment. It also helps secure the world's energy supplies.


Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)

Energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs:

Energy saving tips: An efficient and effective lighting system will:

purchase, running and replacement costs


20 W

100 W


Running cost over
10,000 hours*




Average life

10,000 hours

1,000 hours

2,000 hours

Purchase cost

1 lamp

10 bulbs @ 50c

5 lamps @ $4

Total cost




* Based on 10 cents per unit of electricity, ** Includes magnetic transformer losses.

Switches and controls

Provide multiple switches to control the number of lights that come on at any one time. Place switches at the exits from rooms and use two way switching to encourage lights to be turned off when leaving the room.

'Smart' light switches and fittings use movement sensors to turn lights on and off automatically. These are useful in rooms used infrequently where lights may be left on by mistake, or for the elderly and disabled. Make sure they have a built-in daylight sensor so that the light doesn't turn on unnecessarily. Be aware that the sensors use some power continuously, up to 5W or even 10W in some cases.

Use timers, daylight controls and motion sensors to switch outdoor security lights on and off automatically. Similar controls are particularly useful for common areas, such as hallways, corridors and stairwells, in multi-unit housing. Consider using solar powered lighting for garden and security lights.

Modern dimmer controls for incandescent lights save energy and also increase bulb life. Most standard fluorescent lamps cannot be dimmed, but special dimmers and lamps are available.

Use lights efficiently
