X1 Electric Racer – Faster than a $440,000 Porsche
Ian Wright has a car that blows away a Ferrari 360 Spider and a Porsche Carrera GT in drag races, and whose 0-to-60 acceleration time ranks it among the fastest production autos in the world. In fact, it's second only to the French-made Bugatti Veyron, a 1,000-horsepower, 16-cylinder beast that hits 60 mph half a second faster and goes for $1.25 million. The X1 is likely to cost about $100,000.
The key difference? The Bugatti gets eight miles per gallon. Wright's car? It runs off an electric battery and can be re-charged at home.
Last November, Wright towed the X1 to a racetrack near Sacramento to see how his prototype would do against a Ferrari and a Porsche.
In the first matchup, the X1 crushed the Ferrari in an eighth-mile sprint and then in the quarter-mile, winning by two car lengths. In the second race, against the $440,000 Porsche, the two cars were even after an eighth of a mile. But as the Porsche driver let out the clutch in a final upshift, his tires briefly lost traction. The X1, blazing along in its software-controlled performance mode, beat the Porsche by half a car length.
never occurred to me that I would lose," says Kim Stuart, the
Porsche's driver. "It was like a light switch. He hit the pedal
and was gone."
In recent track
testing, on street tires, it achieved the following performance:
mph: 1.35 sec
0-60 mph: 3.07 sec in 117 ft
0-100 mph:
6.87 sec
0-100-0 mph 11.2 sec
Lateral g: 1.3
Braking g: 1.2
The X1 production car will be better, much better.
http://wrightspeed.com/x1.html & http://money.cnn.com/2006/05/04/technology/business2_wrightspeed/