with David Suzuki

After seeing the film 'the End of Suburbia' at a community film evening at the Kuranda Amphitheatre, the question was asked...."What do we have in our local area to cope with the changes that are happening with issues such as Peak Oil and Global Warming?"

The question set the energy flowing through a small group of people who soon got together to discuss organising an event that would gather and celebrate all the people in our region who dedicate their lives to working with, promoting, and creating renewable energy products and services.

Coming from a varied background, including mothers wanting to create a better future for their children, people involved in the renewable energy field, community activism, green architecture, festival organising, tree-planting, art, music, gardening and beautiful food, this small group put together their ideas and inspiration, and have created the far north's first energy fest.... from little things, big things grow!

The name emPower came through as a word that could bring a renewed strength, both to an individual and a community. With so much disappointment and heart-ache after everyone gathering and marching, writing letters and having meetings to create a world at peace, many people expressed a feeling of disempowerment as our country was drawn in to a war over oil. How many stopped feeling they could do anything to change the world, when it seemed our 'leaders' didn't want to know about this, and other issues we feel strongly about?

And now as the truth about oil reserves (etc.) emerges ever clearer, the need to create a sustainable community grows more integral to our well-being and future life-style choices.

emPower ENERGY FEST will bring together a feast of information which will offer each and every one clear directions on little steps and big steps that can be taken in our homes, our lives, our community, to reduce the size of our energy-use footprint on the earth, and to make wiser choices for the on-going health of our environment.

We are celebrating the power of our community and the amazing abundance of creative thinking, and dedication to caring that we have in our region, the power to break out of the mold, to create leaders in to the future. Creating a clearer, cleaner, greener kind of lifestyle leads our community towards a more joyful way of living, with localised solutions, building a truely sustainable and localised economy, from a heart-felt vision shared, and energised.

emPower ENERGY FEST organisers recognise the Traditional Owners of this beautiful country we live on here, and are inviting the Elders from the communities in the region to take part in the Elders Talking Stick Circle, which David Suzuki wants to attend. Anyone who has read his book, 'the Wisdom of the Elders', will know his dedication to honouring the knowledge and stories of the Indigenous Peoples of the Earth, and their intrinsic connection to land. We are looking forward to hearing some of the wonderful stories from our local treasures of this knowledge, (like the amazing abundant food garden days at Mona Mona, and alternative energy at Chinacamp) and to listening to their thoughts and ideas on sustainable and community living.

Following the Circle will be the amazing 100 metre Rainbow Serpent Unity Ceremony, bringing our community together, to create our future, together, in shared joy and respect. The Serpent's amazing head is being created by the amazing Rise-Up crew at Kuranda High, and the Ceremony will be something to be a part of!

So, in between interesting and informative workshops, checking out renewable energy products and services from people like Alternative Technologies Australia and barefoot Geoff, catching a film at the understage, painting your hands, feet, designs or messages on the 100metre Serpent, first peoples' culture and wisdom, music, and dance, making sure the kids find their special energy space, checking out all the amazing books (and other great things) that Di at Enviromart is ordering in specially, ochre face-painting, meeting lots of wonderful people in your community, eating yummy food, art and music, songwriting playshops, organic and bio-dynamic food, the north's own Mungalli Dairy, happy nappies, rad pads, hemp stuff, green home design, vedic placement, community groups you can be a part of, permaculture, using the right side of your brain, and yes, there's lots more...the very first ENERGY FEST at Kuranda Amphitheatre will be a great day to emPower the rest of your LIFE!!!

When : Saturday 30th September, 10am to 8pm, entry by gold coins donation. If you would like to contribute your energy to this event, with an energy-friendly stall or workshop presentation, or your music or other skills, or your assistance in any way, please contact the organisers on 40 937755 or email ...thank you.

And on the day, please bring something special to put in to the 'energy centre', - love and thanks.