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  Walking School Bus

CAST supports this initiative by Forest Garden parents.
We would like to encourage other schools to take up this excellent idea, which will help to take cars of the road, improve the health of our children, increase their awareness of transport and environmental issues and is fun!

St Gerard Majella Walking Bus Walking School Bus

The "Walking School Bus" is an adult supervised group of St Gerard Majella Primary School Children aged 4-10 years and volunteer parents who walk to and from school together every


Departs- Delfin Sales Office

8:00am from Delfin Sales Office, Forest Gardens

A volunteer’s car will take your Backpack to school. More drivers are needed.

Return- Departs S.G.M School

3:10pm St Gerard Majella to Delfin Sales office arriving approximately 3:40pm.

If you are over 10 years old and would like to help the Environment and your school, we need your help to supervise on the walk.

Phone Karen: 40364068 for more details.

We welcome all Parents to walk with us on the Walking Bus however it is not necessary to accompany your child if you believe they are capable of walking to school without you.


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